Even thou they got an email telling them how they offended a parent, SUNY Brockport still has not taken down the poster. Why have they not made any moves? Why have they passed the buck from person to person? Why is this virtue signaling okay?

Asking a female student, about her feelings on the poster. She stated that it was unfair and racist. She found it horrible, that it was a white girl used as well. The student herself being white. At the same time she almost justified it by saying it supports what she has been taught in sociology.

This is interesting to me because of the fact, the history books since I have been in grade school have been changed. Things have been out right taken out. It has been replaced with selective history. This is the same throughout all levels of schooling. I’m not naive, I know the winner write history. But does that make it okay?

I can tell where this is going to go. The poster will stay up. The white students will be made to believe that they are bad for things they have nothing to do with.



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