Thinking to myself

I’m sitting here thinking about everything that has happened in the last year. Dealing with shifty fake family, carney-ass people in wrestling, and life in general.

If I were a lesser person, I would have let it overcome me with waves of depression. And to be totally transparent, it did for a while.

The fact that someone could disrupt your life with no proof of purchase is amazing. Just before Christmas, copyright strikes were made against me for footage I had permission to post by the person who made them.

This was done out of nowhere. Well, that isn’t totally true; they happened when I started working with a group and started posting new matches. The group was being harassed by this person and his toadies.

They began spamming everything from fake accounts. They kept being blocked, and they kept making more. That, to my understanding, is the definition of cyberbullying.

They kept trying, demanding to be unblocked, wanting to debate. For what? So other trolls could join in with the public witch hunt. No thank you.

I lost my original YouTube channel.

I lost 26 years of different content, not just wrestling. Things that were not backed up. This put me and my family in a very bad place.

I did a couple of podcasts talking about it because I was pissed. I was tired of this pissant cyberbullying not just me but others as well.

After getting injured in my real life, I made the decision to be done. What else did I have to prove to myself or anyone else?

My son would join a local school where he has Excel. I donated my ring to the man who put me and so many others on their paths.

I’m honestly starting to find other things. As I said before, I’m podcasting again. Plus, I have a few other projects in the works. Which is nice but leaves me with a question.

Why did I let this troll win?

I’m not the only person who dislikes him. So why does everyone let him get away with this? Is it the fact that he bullies them online? Is it the fact that he’s dug in like a deer tick with some reputable companies that they want to work for? So they don’t want to get blackballed because they stuck for themselves? I really don’t know.

I just hope that someone has the balls to stand up to his fuckery. Because this will happen to someone else. It is only a matter of time.